Tom Felton

Tom Felton grava nova música

O ator Tom Felton, Draco Malfoy nos filmes de Harry Potter, postou hoje (5/10) em seu Twitter um link para ouvir sua nova música, Let’s Take It Back. Você pode ouvir essa e mais duas músicas do cantor nesse link ou clicar aí embaixo.


A  letra da música, para quem quiser, pode ser encontrada no ou abaixo. E aí, o que acharam?

Let’s Take It Back

So you can take a look
in my crystal ball,
tell me what you see.
Nothing at all.
Because the past
it’s not last
quite long enough.
Didn’t notice it
would be so rough.

Ah, misspent youth,
time well spent.
You can’t find a life
in just paying the rent


Let’s take it back to the early days,
when we were carefree
and oh so young.
Let’s take it back to the memories,
oh, when life seemed to be nothing but fun.

let’s rewind
to those times
when we
were happy.

Let this song bring back what seems to be gone
I said let this song bring back what seems to be gone

So you can take a glass of a champagne past
which unfortunately
didn’t last
because ignorance
was bliss,
sealed with a kiss.
I’d take my chance to dance
with no need to resist

Misspent youth,
time well spent.
You can’t find a life
in just paying the rent


Let’s take it back to the early days,
when we were carefree
and oh so young.
Let’s take it back to the memories,
oh, when life seemed to be nothing but fun.

let’s rewind
to those times
when we
were happy.

Let this song bring back what seems to be gone
I said let this song bring back what seems to be gone


Let’s take it back to the early days,
when we were carefree
and oh so young.

Let’s take it back to the memories,
oh, when life seemed to be nothing but fun.

You know,
let’s rewind
to those times
when we
were happy

Let this song bring back what seems to be gone
I said let this song bring back what seems to be gone

Por Ludy Santana

é uma maníaca pelo Tom Felton e viciada em vampiros =K

2 respostas em “Tom Felton grava nova música”

Eu me surpreendi ao ver que ele CANTA MUITO BEM. Tipo, considerando que é uma gravação totalmente amadora e tal. Ele dá umas desafinadinhas, mas TEM POTENCIAL O GAROTO!! Então ele é um daqueles caras lindos e talentosos, é?

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